Henrix, Frankfurt a. M.
152 inner-city residential units with social relationship to each other

Starting point: a 5,070 sqm site in a side street of Frankfurt’s Gallusviertel. Task: attractive living space for rental and owner-occupied apartments in a complex with a high-quality identity that sets the tone for the further development of the Gallusviertel.
Requirement: Promote the neighborhood climate and positively influence the surrounding area.

Solution: An « urban building block » consisting of two angular buildings with a total of 152 residential units (85 rental apartments, 67 condominiums) and three stores. The components form an almost closed quadrangle that creates a lively courtyard in the center with terraces, a playground, greenery and building entrances – a social microcosm that promotes neighborly encounters, residential quality and a sense of security. Residents and children access the courtyard directly via the exterior stairs, promoting a sense of cohesion and « our home. »
The main central entrance faces the Lahnstrasse. The central part of the facade is vividly highlighted with four cubic columns over 2 stories and undulating balconies. The address side of the complex is also reminiscent of a metropolitan city palace of the Wilhelminian period due to the high-quality brickwork of the two lower floors.